sep=/; start="" data=/home/ninat/kubhist #data: we are using the kubhist export xml files: e.g., \digidaily-blekingsposten\export graph=/home/ninat/retorik/graphs #graph: where the sliding window graphs end up #the filtered graphs end up in /home/ninat/retorik/graphs/queryTerm/filtered_queryTerm code=/home/ninat/retorik/code #code: from where the jar files are read queryList=/home/ninat/retorik/input/kung.txt #queryList: the terms used for keeping sentences output=/home/ninat/retorik/text #output: where the text and corresponding dictionary is located for each time period and set of query terms #the query term is chosen as the first term from queryList logfile=/home/ninat/retorik/logfile.txt maxLinesPerYear=10000 #an uper limit for number of lines to process per time period, #filenameFilter used for keeping files to read data from. fileNameEndingfilter used for excluding files fileNameFilter=digidaily fileNameEndingfilter=bz2 #graphN1 and N2 are used for naming of graphs graphN1=Graph_dict_ graphN2=_Kubhist_NP.txt #windowSize is used for the sliding window windowSize=20 #graphFiler is used to remove nodes with less frequency than filter #markus wanted to keep all nodes, therefore filter is set to 0 graphFilter=0 minDictFreq=0 #numberOfYears is used for creating time periods, 10 equals a decade. numberOfYears=10 #startYear only if you want to skip making some graphs. startYear=1