package javacard::framework context OwnerPIN def: let tryCounter = self.triesLeft->at(1) inv: self.maxPINSize > 0 inv: self.maxTries > 0 inv: self.tryCounter >= 0 inv: self.tryCounter <= self.maxTries inv: <> null inv:>size() <= self.maxPINSize context OwnerPIN::OwnerPIN(tryLimit:Integer, maxPINSize:Integer) pre: maxPINSize > 0 pre: tryLimit > 0 post: not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) post: self.maxPINSize = maxPINSize post: self.maxTries = tryLimit post: self.tryCounter = tryLimit post: not self.isValidated() context OwnerPIN::update(pin:Sequence(Integer), offset:Integer, length:Integer) pre: pin <> null pre: offset >= 0 pre: offset+length <= pin->size() pre: length >= 0 post: ( not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) and Util.arrayCompare(, 0, pin, offset, length) = 0 ) or ( excThrown(PINException) and length > self.maxPINSize ) or ( excThrown(TransactionException) and TransactionException.systemInstance.getReason() = TransactionException.BUFFER_FULL ) context OwnerPIN::resetAndUnblock() post: not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) post: not self.isValidated() post: self.tryCounter = self.maxTries context OwnerPIN::isValidated() : Boolean post: not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) post: result = true -- used to be "self.isValidated", but that is not type correct context OwnerPIN::getTriesRemaining() : Integer post: not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) post: result = self.tryCounter context OwnerPIN::check(pin: Sequence(Integer), offset: Integer, length: Integer): Boolean post: ( self.tryCounter = 0 implies result = false ) post : ( ( self.tryCounter > 0 and pin <> null and offset >= 0 and length >= 0 and offset+length <= pin->size() and Util.arrayCompare(, 0, pin, offset, length) = 0 ) implies ( result = true and self.isValidated() and self.tryCounter = self.maxTries ) ) post : ( ( self.tryCounter > 0 and not ( pin <> null and offset >= 0 and length >= 0 and offset+length <= pin->size() and Util.arrayCompare(, 0, pin, offset, length) = 0 ) ) implies ( not self.isValidated() and self.tryCounter = tryCounter@pre - 1 and ( ( not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) and result = false ) or excThrown(java::lang::NullPointerException) or excThrown(java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) ) ) ) context OwnerPIN::reset() pre : self.isValidated() post: not excThrown(java::lang::Exception) post: not self.isValidated() post: self.tryCounter = tryCounter@pre endpackage