-- Ansi C, following Kernighan & Ritchie (Second Edition). -- (c) Ulf Persson 2003 -- part of BSc thesis at Chalmers University of Technology -- -- NOTICE: the C program may need to be preprocessed by cpp. Also types defined -- by typedefs have to be eliminated (these are known problems with the -- BNF grammar of Ansi C). entrypoints Program, Stm, Exp ; Progr. Program ::= [External_declaration] ; (:[]). [External_declaration] ::= External_declaration; (:). [External_declaration] ::= External_declaration [External_declaration]; Afunc. External_declaration ::= Function_def ; Global. External_declaration ::= Dec ; OldFunc. Function_def ::= [Declaration_specifier] Declarator [Dec] Compound_stm ; NewFunc. Function_def ::= [Declaration_specifier] Declarator Compound_stm ; OldFuncInt. Function_def ::= Declarator [Dec] Compound_stm ; NewFuncInt. Function_def ::= Declarator Compound_stm ; NoDeclarator. Dec ::= [Declaration_specifier] ";"; Declarators. Dec ::= [Declaration_specifier] [Init_declarator] ";" ; (:[]). [Dec] ::= Dec; (:). [Dec] ::= Dec [Dec]; (:[]). [Declaration_specifier] ::= Declaration_specifier ; (:). [Declaration_specifier] ::= Declaration_specifier [Declaration_specifier] ; Type. Declaration_specifier ::= Type_specifier ; Storage. Declaration_specifier ::= Storage_class_specifier ; SpecProp. Declaration_specifier ::= Type_qualifier; (:[]). [Init_declarator] ::= Init_declarator ; (:). [Init_declarator] ::= Init_declarator "," [Init_declarator] ; OnlyDecl. Init_declarator ::= Declarator ; InitDecl. Init_declarator ::= Declarator "=" Initz; Tvoid. Type_specifier ::= "void"; Tchar. Type_specifier ::= "char"; Tshort. Type_specifier ::= "short"; Tint. Type_specifier ::= "int"; Tlong. Type_specifier ::= "long"; Tfloat. Type_specifier ::= "float"; Tdouble. Type_specifier ::= "double"; Tsigned. Type_specifier ::= "signed"; Tunsigned. Type_specifier ::= "unsigned"; Tstruct. Type_specifier ::= Struct_or_union_spec; Tenum. Type_specifier ::= Enum_specifier; Tname. Type_specifier ::= "Typedef_name"; MyType. Storage_class_specifier ::= "typedef"; GlobalPrograms. Storage_class_specifier ::= "extern" ; LocalProgram. Storage_class_specifier ::= "static" ; LocalBlock. Storage_class_specifier ::= "auto" ; LocalReg. Storage_class_specifier ::= "register" ; Const . Type_qualifier ::= "const" ; NoOptim. Type_qualifier ::= "volatile"; Tag. Struct_or_union_spec ::= Struct_or_union Ident "{" [Struct_dec] "}" ; Unique. Struct_or_union_spec ::= Struct_or_union "{" [Struct_dec] "}"; TagType. Struct_or_union_spec ::= Struct_or_union Ident ; Struct. Struct_or_union ::= "struct"; Union. Struct_or_union ::= "union"; (:[]). [Struct_dec] ::= Struct_dec ; (:). [Struct_dec] ::= Struct_dec [Struct_dec] ; Structen. Struct_dec ::= [Spec_qual] [Struct_declarator] ";" ; (:[]). [Spec_qual] ::= Spec_qual ; (:). [Spec_qual] ::= Spec_qual [Spec_qual]; TypeSpec. Spec_qual ::= Type_specifier ; QualSpec. Spec_qual ::= Type_qualifier; (:[]). [Struct_declarator] ::= Struct_declarator; (:). [Struct_declarator] ::= Struct_declarator "," [Struct_declarator]; Decl. Struct_declarator ::= Declarator; Field. Struct_declarator ::= ":" Constant_expression; DecField. Struct_declarator ::= Declarator ":" Constant_expression ; EnumDec. Enum_specifier ::= "enum" "{" [Enumerator] "}" ; EnumName. Enum_specifier ::= "enum" Ident "{" [Enumerator] "}" ; EnumVar. Enum_specifier ::= "enum" Ident ; (:[]). [Enumerator] ::= Enumerator ; (:). [Enumerator] ::= Enumerator "," [Enumerator] ; Plain. Enumerator ::= Ident ; EnumInit. Enumerator ::= Ident "=" Constant_expression ; BeginPointer. Declarator ::= Pointer Direct_declarator ; NoPointer. Declarator ::= Direct_declarator ; Name. Direct_declarator ::= Ident ; ParenDecl. Direct_declarator ::= "(" Declarator ")" ; InnitArray. Direct_declarator ::= Direct_declarator "[" Constant_expression "]" ; Incomplete. Direct_declarator ::= Direct_declarator "[" "]" ; NewFuncDec. Direct_declarator ::= Direct_declarator "(" Parameter_type ")" ; OldFuncDef. Direct_declarator ::= Direct_declarator "(" [Ident] ")" ; OldFuncDec. Direct_declarator ::= Direct_declarator "(" ")" ; Point. Pointer ::= "*" ; PointQual. Pointer ::= "*" [Type_qualifier] ; PointPoint. Pointer ::= "*" Pointer ; PointQualPoint. Pointer ::= "*" [Type_qualifier] Pointer ; (:[]). [Type_qualifier] ::= Type_qualifier ; (:). [Type_qualifier] ::= Type_qualifier [Type_qualifier] ; AllSpec. Parameter_type ::= Parameter_declarations ; More. Parameter_type ::= Parameter_declarations "," "..." ; ParamDec. Parameter_declarations ::= Parameter_declaration ; MoreParamDec. Parameter_declarations ::= Parameter_declarations "," Parameter_declaration ; OnlyType. Parameter_declaration ::= [Declaration_specifier] ; TypeAndParam. Parameter_declaration ::= [Declaration_specifier] Declarator ; Abstract. Parameter_declaration ::= [Declaration_specifier] Abstract_declarator ; (:[]). [Ident] ::= Ident ; (:). [Ident] ::= Ident "," [Ident] ; InitExpr. Initz ::= Exp2 ; InitListOne. Initz ::= "{" Initializers "}" ; InitListTwo. Initz ::= "{" Initializers "," "}" ; AnInit. Initializers ::= Initz ; MoreInit. Initializers ::= Initializers "," Initz ; PlainType. Type_name ::= [Spec_qual] ; ExtendedType. Type_name ::= [Spec_qual] Abstract_declarator ; PointerStart. Abstract_declarator ::= Pointer ; Advanced. Abstract_declarator ::= Dir_abs_dec ; PointAdvanced. Abstract_declarator ::= Pointer Dir_abs_dec ; WithinParentes. Dir_abs_dec ::= "(" Abstract_declarator ")" ; Array. Dir_abs_dec ::= "[" "]" ; InitiatedArray. Dir_abs_dec ::= "[" Constant_expression "]" ; UnInitiated. Dir_abs_dec ::= Dir_abs_dec "[" "]" ; Initiated. Dir_abs_dec ::= Dir_abs_dec "[" Constant_expression "]" ; OldFunction. Dir_abs_dec ::= "(" ")" ; NewFunction. Dir_abs_dec ::= "(" Parameter_type ")" ; OldFuncExpr. Dir_abs_dec ::= Dir_abs_dec "(" ")" ; NewFuncExpr. Dir_abs_dec ::= Dir_abs_dec "(" Parameter_type ")" ; LabelS. Stm ::= Labeled_stm ; CompS. Stm ::= Compound_stm ; ExprS. Stm ::= Expression_stm ; SelS. Stm ::= Selection_stm ; IterS. Stm ::= Iter_stm ; JumpS. Stm ::= Jump_stm ; SlabelOne. Labeled_stm ::= Ident ":" Stm ; SlabelTwo. Labeled_stm ::= "case" Constant_expression ":" Stm ; SlabelThree. Labeled_stm ::= "default" ":" Stm; ScompOne. Compound_stm ::= "{" "}" ; ScompTwo. Compound_stm ::= "{" [Stm] "}" ; ScompThree. Compound_stm ::= "{" [Dec] "}" ; ScompFour. Compound_stm ::= "{" [Dec] [Stm] "}" ; SexprOne. Expression_stm ::= ";" ; SexprTwo. Expression_stm ::= Exp ";" ; SselOne. Selection_stm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm ; SselTwo. Selection_stm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm "else" Stm ; SselThree. Selection_stm ::= "switch" "(" Exp ")" Stm ; SiterOne. Iter_stm ::= "while" "(" Exp ")" Stm; SiterTwo. Iter_stm ::= "do" Stm "while" "(" Exp ")" ";" ; SiterThree. Iter_stm ::= "for" "(" Expression_stm Expression_stm ")" Stm ; SiterFour. Iter_stm ::= "for" "(" Expression_stm Expression_stm Exp ")" Stm; SjumpOne. Jump_stm ::= "goto" Ident ";" ; SjumpTwo. Jump_stm ::= "continue" ";" ; SjumpThree. Jump_stm ::= "break" ";" ; SjumpFour. Jump_stm ::= "return" ";" ; SjumpFive. Jump_stm ::= "return" Exp ";" ; (:[]). [Stm] ::= Stm ; (:). [Stm] ::= Stm [Stm]; token Unsigned ["123456789"] digit * ('u'|'U'); token Long ["123456789"] digit * ('l'|'L'); token UnsignedLong ["123456789"] digit * (('u''l')|('U''L')); token Hexadecimal '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+; token HexUnsigned '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+ ('u'|'U'); token HexLong '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+ ('l'|'L'); token HexUnsLong '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+ (('u''l')|('U''L')); token Octal '0'["01234567"]*; token OctalUnsigned '0'["01234567"]*('u'|'U'); token OctalLong '0'["01234567"]* ('l'|'L'); token OctalUnsLong '0'["01234567"]* (('u''l')|('U''L')); token CDouble (((digit+ '.')|('.' digit+))(('e'|'E') ('-')? digit+)?)| (digit+ ('e'|'E') ('-')? digit+)|(digit+ '.' digit+ 'E' ('-')? digit+); token CFloat (((digit+ '.' digit+)|(digit+ '.')|('.' digit+))(('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)? ('f'|'F'))|((digit+ ('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)('f'|'F')); token CLongDouble (((digit+ '.' digit+)|(digit+ '.')|('.' digit+))(('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)?('l'|'L'))|((digit+ ('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)('l'|'L')); Ecomma. Exp ::= Exp "," Exp2; Eassign. Exp2 ::= Exp15 Assignment_op Exp2; Econdition. Exp3 ::= Exp4 "?" Exp ":" Exp3; Elor. Exp4 ::= Exp4 "||" Exp5; Eland. Exp5 ::= Exp5 "&&" Exp6; Ebitor. Exp6 ::= Exp6 "|" Exp7; Ebitexor. Exp7 ::= Exp7 "^" Exp8; Ebitand. Exp8 ::= Exp8 "&" Exp9; Eeq. Exp9 ::= Exp9 "==" Exp10; Eneq. Exp9 ::= Exp9 "!=" Exp10; Elthen. Exp10 ::= Exp10 "<" Exp11; Egrthen. Exp10 ::= Exp10 ">" Exp11; Ele. Exp10 ::= Exp10 "<=" Exp11; Ege. Exp10 ::= Exp10 ">=" Exp11; Eleft. Exp11 ::= Exp11 "<<" Exp12; Eright. Exp11 ::= Exp11 ">>" Exp12; Eplus. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "+" Exp13; Eminus. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "-" Exp13; Etimes. Exp13 ::= Exp13 "*" Exp14; Ediv. Exp13 ::= Exp13 "/" Exp14; Emod. Exp13 ::= Exp13 "%" Exp14; Etypeconv. Exp14 ::= "(" Type_name ")" Exp14; Epreinc. Exp15 ::= "++" Exp15; Epredec. Exp15 ::= "--" Exp15; Epreop. Exp15 ::= Unary_operator Exp14; Ebytesexpr. Exp15 ::= "sizeof" Exp15; Ebytestype. Exp15 ::= "sizeof" "(" Type_name ")"; Earray. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "[" Exp "]" ; Efunk. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "(" ")"; Efunkpar. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "(" [Exp2] ")"; Eselect. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "." Ident; Epoint. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "->" Ident; Epostinc. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "++"; Epostdec. Exp16 ::= Exp16 "--"; Evar. Exp17 ::= Ident; Econst. Exp17 ::= Constant; Estring. Exp17 ::= String; Efloat. Constant ::= Double; Echar. Constant ::= Char; Eunsigned. Constant ::= Unsigned; Elong. Constant ::= Long; Eunsignlong. Constant ::= UnsignedLong; Ehexadec. Constant ::= Hexadecimal; Ehexaunsign. Constant ::= HexUnsigned; Ehexalong. Constant ::= HexLong; Ehexaunslong. Constant ::= HexUnsLong; Eoctal. Constant ::= Octal; Eoctalunsign. Constant ::= OctalUnsigned; Eoctallong. Constant ::= OctalLong; Eoctalunslong. Constant ::= OctalUnsLong; Ecdouble. Constant ::= CDouble; Ecfloat. Constant ::= CFloat; Eclongdouble. Constant ::= CLongDouble; Eint. Constant ::= Integer; internal Elonger. Constant ::= Integer; internal Edouble. Constant ::= Double; Especial. Constant_expression ::= Exp3; _. Exp ::= Exp2 ; _. Exp2 ::= Exp3 ; _. Exp3 ::= Exp4 ; _. Exp4 ::= Exp5 ; _. Exp5 ::= Exp6 ; _. Exp6 ::= Exp7 ; _. Exp7 ::= Exp8 ; _. Exp8 ::= Exp9 ; _. Exp9 ::= Exp10 ; _. Exp10 ::= Exp11 ; _. Exp11 ::= Exp12 ; _. Exp12 ::= Exp13 ; _. Exp13 ::= Exp14 ; _. Exp14 ::= Exp15 ; _. Exp15 ::= Exp16 ; _. Exp16 ::= Exp17 ; _. Exp17 ::= "(" Exp ")" ; Address. Unary_operator ::= "&" ; Indirection. Unary_operator ::= "*" ; Plus. Unary_operator ::= "+" ; Negative. Unary_operator ::= "-" ; Complement. Unary_operator ::= "~" ; Logicalneg. Unary_operator ::= "!" ; (:[]). [Exp2] ::= Exp2 ; (:). [Exp2] ::= Exp2 "," [Exp2]; Assign. Assignment_op ::= "=" ; AssignMul. Assignment_op ::= "*=" ; AssignDiv. Assignment_op ::= "/=" ; AssignMod. Assignment_op ::= "%=" ; AssignAdd. Assignment_op ::= "+=" ; AssignSub. Assignment_op ::= "-=" ; AssignLeft. Assignment_op ::= "<<=" ; AssignRight. Assignment_op ::= ">>=" ; AssignAnd. Assignment_op ::= "&=" ; AssignXor. Assignment_op ::= "^=" ; AssignOr. Assignment_op ::= "|=" ; comment "/*" "*/" ; comment "//"; comment "#";